Do I believe in creationism? Despite the science and fossils found?

I love this question! Thank you to who asked!

To answer this one plainly, absolutely! I believe creationism–wholeheartedly.

If I were to hold up a textbook, one with beautiful pictures of the outdoors. If it had incredibly insightful and intelligent sentences full of advanced vocabulary. If it had a hard cover with intricate binding and a bold title and I held it up for you to look at and through, and then I said this….

“This book happened by chance.”

You’d look at me like I were insane! That book happening by chance? What a looney I must be to say something so ridiculous. The book is without a doubt evident that there was a creator somewhere. No one would assume that ink fell into perfect forms and patterns that created perfectly shaped letters than then fell in order to create coherent, cohesive, and intelligent sentences, with punctuations and context. That would be absurd and illogical.

I say this in all love, but look at the world around you. To think that the trees, the seas, the animals, everything down to the intricate designs on a snails shell–surely no one can look at all of that and not think there has to be a creator. To assume the world happened by mere chance is more looney than the book happening by mere chance.

If you can’t bring yourself to look to the world, look at your own flesh and blood. Look down at your hands and the beauty and marvel that are your fingertips–so unique that NO two are the same. Your body is intelligently designed. The body has eleven organ systems, each one so intricately designed and detailed that physicians and scientists have been around for thousands and thousands of years and are still learning about them. Take for instance the appendix, which for centuries, was thought of as a useless organ. Whereas now, we’re learning that it houses beneficial bacteria that your body greatly benefits from during and after sickness.

The depth of information surrounding the marvel that is the human body is without a doubt evident of a creator. To think that our bodies were formed this way from evolution is just absurdity. Again, I say that in all kindness and love.

Take a quick watch of this short video that shows you the beginning of life from conception to birth. Just by seeing and understanding the miracle of childbirth, we can know that there must be a creator who fashioned the body to work in such a perfect way.

That video can be found by clicking here. As you watch it I hope that you consider this bible verse.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

As for the idea that fossils clearly exist, I’ve never once debated that they didn’t. However, there is not a single fossil ever to have been found that was evident of evolutionary changes. In fact, there is not a single proven animal that has ever been witnessed evolving. Meaning there is no evidence to support evolution. Yep, you read that right. Not a single piece of scientific evidence for evolution.

The finches of which Darwin speaks, whose beaks lengthened and changed over time? That is an example of adaptation. One that I do not argue, as we have evidence all around us that some of God’s creation were gifted with the ability to adapt to surroundings. But evolution is not defined by the ability to adapt. Evolution is defined as a changing of species. The finches from Darwin, they never changed species. They remained finches.

The peppered moth? It remained a moth just with darkened wings.

The crabs and mussels? They remained crabs and mussels but with thicker shells.

E.Coli? Certain strands became drug resistant, but guess what? They remained E.Coli.

Look up any “evidence” of evolution and you’ll see that it’s an argument for adaptation. But there has been no scientific evidence to back up a changing of species which is what evolution is.

People will bring up the apes and scientists claim that apes evolved into human beings over a period of thousands or millions of years. Interestingly enough, there is no evidence to back that. No one has been witness to an ape ever evolving. If apes truly could evolve, we’d be surrounded by apes in ALL different forms of evolution. Some halfway human, others mostly human, and yet, we see none. Apes don’t change into anything other than apes. No one has ever seen it. No one will ever see it.

I could speak more to this subject, but I will never do it justice as Ray Comfort has done it in his documentary, God vs Evolution. If you’d like to watch that, it’s hands down amazing and can be found by clicking here.

Ray Comfort has another one called the Atheist’s delusion, where he dives into the reasons that atheism is as absurd as believing that book we talked about earlier came from nothing, or came about by accident. You can watch that one here.

Both of those youtube videos are fairly short and OH SO eye opening. I pray they can further dive into this question for anyone who is curious. Ray is a man who speaks in kindness, love, and patience. He is never cruel, harsh, or careless with his words. If you’re fearful of watching them because you don’t want to be made fun of or insulted, I assure you that Ray Comfort seeks to share the truth in the same loving fashion that Christ did when he was on earth. Give one or both of those videos a chance and I pray that if you’re not saved, these videos raise some questions and considerations in you that forever changes your life for the better and pushes you toward Christ.

Have you repented and trusted in Christ as your Lord and savior? If not, I pray that you make that decision today. If you EVER need to speak to someone or have questions, please never hesitate to reach out. I would be happy to speak with you.
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